Tuesday 17 September 2019

Day 1: The greatest libary

Slowly as I was walking through the cluttered and mysterious library, I spotted a little girl reading a book but what book? I had realized the  books swooshing to different directions and some to started to disappear  I had to tell her this was no ordinary library  I ran to her but she didn't care of anything even the books fluttering around her I just realized she been in a deep sleep in her own imagination I tried to wake her up but there was no hope, wait what if I would go in the her imagination I put my hand on the book
I had got in to her world she was thinking...TO BE CONTINUED...

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sulaiman, well done on trying to begin your sentence with an -ly starter. Did you remember to include a comma? If you change the sentence around a little bit, it would make more sense. For example; 'Slowly, I walked through the cluttered and mysterious library. I spotted a little girl...' Also, try using more complex words for walked, e.g. sauntered, strolled, tiptoed, etc. I really like the sound word you used 'swooshed'. It helped to create an image in my mind. Well done!


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